Melanie is known for delivering stress-reducing, mood-boosting, witty & energizing keynotes that are engaging, high-impact learning experiences audiences find enjoyable and entertaining. Whether your preference is to motivate, inspire, educate or persuade attendees, Melanie personalizes each talk for her particular audience. She presents a series of powerful stories, ideas, strategies, and practical tools with a rare combination of fact, humor, insights, vulnerability, and encouragement. Audience members can immediately apply what’s learned to get tangible results and elevate success!

I have had the privilege to attend several NCAPA events where Melanie presented, and I love her energy and passion in her presentations. Attendees wish the presentations were longer because they are so informative and insightful. I always leave her presentations with a new perspective and motivated. – Heather Lee, National Capital Area Paralegals Association (NCAPA)
Heather Lee, National Capital Area Paralegals Association (NCAPA)